People do this more than once?

After my initial blood tests (13 tubes!!!) and screening tests to rule out any unknown diseases, it was time for my HSG- Hysterosalpingogram.  Try saying that five times fast.  I really didn’t know what to expect, so I decided to google it.  Boy, was that a mistake!  The first thing I saw was “HSG Pain- What to expect.”  Uhh…  pain?  I read that the test involved shooting dye through my cervix and into my uterus, and ovaries, to see if there were any blockages or issues.  They also mentioned that it would be incredibly painful, like cramps times 10. At least they gave advice- take 2 ibuprofen an hour or two before the test.  Then, I saw the videos… videos of how to read the test and diagnose common fertility issues.  In hindsight, I should not have watched those videos.

On the way to the hospital, I listened to my calming Christian radio station, hoping to calm my nerves.  I went into the radiology testing area and changed into a gown and put on the non-slip socks they gave me (I was incredibly excited about the socks and kept them for home use).  The technician was very nice, and tried to explain the test and process to me, but I was already in my head… and just terrified from everything I had read and watched.  I did take ibuprofen before the test, but it didn’t seem to help.  I remember her telling me “You’re going to feel a pinch, then a burning sensation, and maybe some cramping.”  The second I felt the pinch… I kicked.  I didn’t mean to, but I ended up kicking the technician while she was still administering the dye.  I apologized profusely, and she said, “At least you didn’t punch me. Now, that one hurt!”  I felt a little better and turned to look at the screen.  I could see the dye entering my uterus and flowing through my fallopian tubes.  However, I noticed I didn’t see one of my ovaries.  When the nurse came in to watch the last part of the test, she could see that I was worried about something.  As we made eye contact, I blurted out, “Where’s my left ovary? I only see the other one.”  She came over and assured me it was there, hanging out, waaaaay over and around from where it would be in an anatomy book (or on all those scans I watched on YouTube). She said, “It looks good.”  She started to walk away, then squinted at one of the pictures that had been printed, walked back to me and said, “Wait… I see a shadow here.  It could just be the angle, but I want to make sure.  We will have the doctor do a sonohysterogram in the office.  Once I go over this with the doctor, we’ll call you to schedule one.”

I sighed, and finally relaxed for the first time during that visit after I got the gown off (I managed to keep the socks- I really liked those socks).  I got dressed and the technician came to walk me out. I apologized one more time for kicking her. She looked at me and said, “This was your first one I take it.”  My jaw must have dropped to the floor.  “You mean, people this more than once?”  She chuckled in that “Oh, you poor thing, you don’t know what you signed up for way” and said, “I think it gets repeated every 5 years or so.”  When I was in the car driving home, I couldn’t help but wonder- How long will this process take?  Surely I’d be all done before 5 years, right?


  1. Journey Through The Storm · July 24, 2018

    My HSG is coming up in a few weeks! I am so nervous. I do not handle pain well at all. I’m the girl who faints when she gets a steroid shot 😳 pray for me


    • Just don’t google all the stuffs!! Seriously, it was only a little bad during, and it didn’t hurt after- was just more uncomfortable. In retrospect, if I had relaxed more, it would have been better.


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